Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Save the Date!

The next big bold move has been made - my surgery date is set for July 6, 2011 (so close to Independence Day - a sign?). My surgeons, Dr. Grant and Dr. Carpenter will work their magic together in a lengthy remove and reconstruct surgery. They will have vacationed and will be coming back fresh! The surgery is at 9 am. Pete is taking FMLA to hang out with me during my hospital stay and the first week I'm home.

At this time a sentinel node biopsy will also be done to determine if there is any node involvement and the tissue will also be biopsied to determine the cancer's attributes (pretty and witty? more like negative or positive...). This will determine what, if any, further treatment will be required.

Hope you are living your BEST LIFE!!


PS...Have you signed up for our Komen Race for the Cure team yet? SUPPORT THE WAR IN MY RACK!


  1. No. I decided against DIEP for a variety of reasons...going with the Lat Flap and I feel good about the decision. Now a month or so to enjoy pre C reality!!

  2. Enjoy this month! You've made an informed decision, and YOU'VE GOT LILLI!!!

  3. Great news! You have a plan and that is a relief in itself. Enjoy your grand-baby!!!
