Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ordinary Days....

No scan results have been received. I could have called today, but truthfully I wanted an ordinary day with ordinary things...a new client meeting this morning, speaking about the exciting world of affirmative action, visiting the Komen office with my President-elect volunteer duties. Trust me when I tell you, I don't plan on missing a beat of my life. I may slow down...but my Advantage Gold card will not gather dust and I plan on business as usual. The last time around, I was a single mom with teenage hell raising boys. Some of my clients didn't even know I had cancer. True but funny story - when I finally didn't wear a wig to one of my client's office and sported my short short hair - one man who worked there remarked very loudly THAT IT TOOK QUITE A WOMAN TO SPORT THAT BOLD HAIR STYLE!!! HA!!! Bold indeed.

This whole radical mastectomy with reconstruction is very interesting. There are several different methods that can be used. Who knew? Not even me, the Queen of all things BC. I have two more plastic surgeons to interview (my, they are an interesting breed!) and a reconstruction guidebook on its way from Amazon. So I'm taking a couple of weeks to study the options and enjoy the everyday things. Thanks to everyone who has pointed me to resources and plastic surgeons (think McSteamy) (well, sometimes anyway).

Oh, and I have donated my blood and tissue to science. Some PHd/Md types at Baylor are studying the use of your own blood's antibodies for a breast cancer vaccine. I gave up several vials of blood and promises of tissue for their research.

Silver linings:
  • Big Irish/Slovak/Catholic families are the greatest - already I have a cool cutting edge cancer lab connection, nutrition tips and "whatever you need"s at my finger tips - thanks my family. We may have our eccentricities from time to time, but I'm so fortunate to have been raised around you.
  • Man, do my friends rock. I feel the love...keep it coming
  • My Survivor sisters are sharing their experiences and their dr. boyfriends (whose boobies will they love best?)
  • My children are calling me each day to check in vs. vice versa. Evelyn - you're on a's OK to relax.
  • Dove - the world's greatest HRC "employee" - I didn't have her in Cancer I and she is amazing. We won't miss a beat with our clients
  • Words of wisdom...from the book of sister Pam today

When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back."

Paulo Coelho


  1. Terri, I thought of you several times today....I must say that I admire your strength and courage. We have many blessings that are bestowed upon us in life....we just sometimes forget about them or don't even realize they are there. You have made me realize that you always need to take the time to stop and smell the roses. :) Still sending my positive thoughts and prayers for you.

  2. your writing is a gift Terri. Keep the posts coming. They help all of us who love and care about you so deeply.



  3. Kudos to you Ms Terri. May your blood and tissue open the doors to understanding and finding a solution to fighting cancer. I pray for many Ordinary Days ahead, for days that bring you great joy and contentment.

    If I were there with you now, I'd give you a big ole Blum hug, teehee. Why is it the littlest things in life can have the biggest impact? Take care sweetie, much love from the McCall household!

  4. You have so many people cheering for you, Terri. You're such a gifted writer. Promise you'll write a book about all this after you kick cancer's butt!

  5. Terri, you are anything but ordinary.....

  6. You make the life of each person you touch better. You will knock the SOB cancer out for good this time, not a doubt in my mind.
    Love ya and love the new do!
