Saturday, September 10, 2011

The L Word

I was going to call this post the D word...but changed my mind. But I really want to talk about the D word. First.  So I'm going to because well, this is my blog and I can die if I want to?

Anyone who has ever heard the C word, automatically jumps to the D word, because THE BIG C is a disease that takes people's lives - otherwise it would be the little C or we would just say cancer.  Having lost a mom and sister way too young to cancer = I know.  Many people don't even  like saying the word cancer because it is too scary. How's your health seems so much nicer than how's your cancer going?

Back me up my survivor sisters and brothers...didn't a diagnosis of cancer cause you to face your mortality? Think about your children without a parent or your grandchildren without you? Make sure your life insurance policy was up to date? That you have a will or have it updated? And then there's the conversations you want to have...but nobody will.  If you mention, "if I die...." you are instantly cut off with "you're not going to die. I don't want to talk about this." Here's a news flash - unless you've got some immortal super powers, we are all going to die. If we want to have a conversation about it, please let us.  We'll fight to live, but we've got to have that base covered. Just in case.

So here are my D wishes for all of you who wouldn't let me talk about it (and here's hoping it's way in the future!) :  no sad funeral - use some of my dwindling 401K savings for a party and remember the good times.  Play good music - better yet hire a band.  If the market comes back strong, maybe Dave Grohl or Adam Duritz will recognize my long time crushes and come play.  Cremate me and then when any of you are going any place really cool, take a little bit of me with you. Then scatter me somewhere amazing.  And laugh...don't cry. I have lived an amazing life.  For my'll probably inherit some money - use it for experiences rather than things; cherish your own children and teach them well.  Give back to the world and to others.  Sister, go to Miraval - every year.  Please friends, come rescue a piece of my funky art so that you will have something to remember me by (Pete, pick your favorites but please let them go to good homes).


I know I've dodged the C bullet twice (see last post).  If there is anything that a potentially life saving disease teaches you - it is this.  LIVE and LOVE FULLY.  If you want to go to Italy, go. Don't wait until you retire. Figure out a way to do it.  If you want to learn a new musical instrument, do it. Now. If you hate your job, quit.  Find something better to do.  If you're in a toxic relationship - get out of it.  Rid yourself of negative people. Surround yourself with things and people you love. Let them know how much you love them. Cancer was a wake up call for me to L large - to help others, to travel, to enjoy my family and friends and BUY THE SHOES!

As we approach the anniversary of that horrific day in is a time to remember that life doesn't give us any guarantees.  C1 for me was four months after this happened.  Chemotherapy was brutal but thinking of people burning or jumping from fiery buildings put life in perspective.

Here's hoping you are enjoying your L as much as I am enjoying mine!!

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