Is everything better the second time around? FInding the silver linings in a second diagnosis of breast cancer.
Friday, December 16, 2011
The End....
Nothing ever will.
You can remove parts, slash, burn and rebuild; you can put on your perky and your best positive attitude...but it's a very odd feeling when "it's done." The middle place where you move from cancer patient to cancer survivor. Are you in remission? Cured? One part of you knows it's a great big cause for celebration but another part of you knows it's the beginning of something else.
The silver lining in C2 is understanding this. Looking at it head on. Excising the demons the best you can. But most of all acknowledging the new normal, living with it, allowing yourself to grieve your lost health and the parts you will never get back. Then course correcting your own life.
There will still be plenty of dates with doctors - we'll see each other every few months until we (hopefully) tire of each other and move to less frequent visits. In between those visits, I know that I will be re-evaluating my own life and what I choose to do with my time, talents and treasures. Because life IS about not knowing but taking the moment and making the best of it.
I am happy to say FAREWELL to 2011. It wasn't a good year, but there were several silver linings along the way. To those of you still "in fight" or grieving losses, I wish you some downtime to figure out how to make each moment count. To those on the road with me this year, Thank You. Let's dance with life and here's to a better 2012!!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Once more
Pete here. Guest-blogging as Terri goes under the knife once more.
We stayed over here in Dallas last night to keep from having to leave the house at 4AM. Found a cool hotel 5min from the surgery center. Met our friends Duane and Linda for dinner, tried to get some sleep.
I think I am finally starting to wake up just now as it approaches 9. Dr. Carpenter seemed very awake tho, on top of things. Being a morning person would seem to be a prerequisite for a surgeon.
Terri should be out soon.
Friday, December 9, 2011
What is love?
OK, maybe that was just my teenage angst-y self. Yes, I was that kind of teenager - reaffirmed after finding lost journals recently. (BTW there are about 10 boys out there I was CERTAIN were the one...but alas my wanderlust took me away from Mechanicsburg, PA...).
I've learned one thing about love that no one could explain to you while you were busy being attracted to the wrong kind of isn't about looks (but they don't hurt!), love isn't about exciting (but the bad boys were fun to hang out with!), and love isn't the same as lust. Here is what I would tell my teenage self...
Love IS...the man who weeps at your news of _______ (insert terrible thing here, like "C"); then lets you cry and be all kinds of weird emotional. And holds your hand, and tells you that it will be OK even if he's not sure it will be. And when it's not OK, he holds your head and makes you tea and cooks you soup. He cleans your wounds and does things you're not sure you could do for him or for yourself even. (Men who clear drains - GOD BLESS YOU. ICK!). When you've lost your parts, he realizes you are more than the sum of them. When you've lost your mind, he forgives you. When you look like total s**t, he makes you feel beautiful and special.
Younger ladies - we spend a lot of time looking for the hot guy; the "successful" one; the one who will look nice on the Christmas cards beside the beautiful children. But I am here to tell you: look for the man you will love you, care for you, laugh with you and cry with you. The man who will love you without hair and hold your head over the toilet. He is the keeper.
When my own mother battled cancer, I watched 45 years of love culminate in those final months where my Dad gave shots in the stomach; changed IV bags; cried privately but still made my mom smile. She was his true love and we all knew it. In one of my mom's last emails to me she said "My life is over too soon but I can't complain. I've had a loving and faithful husband and four beautiful daughters..."
So to all the caretakers and co-survivors out there - you ARE the silver lining in our battles.
My next surgery is is day surgery and I will have the bowling ball like expanders removed and exchanged with the implants. Pete and I will be there at 6 am and I will allow him to guest blog once more with the updates. This is far easier surgery than the last and I get to have a date with Dr. McSmarty. What a way to start a week and MERRY CHRISTMAS to boobies!!!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Don't Worry. Be Happy.
For so long after C1, I never felt done. I was a ticking time bomb waiting for another lump, or bad blood work. Every headache was a brain tumor. Fatigue was the cancer creeping back. I was in a never ending game of baseball....9th inning, 3 balls, 2 strikes - and I was the BATTER UP.
When my head hit the pillow, I imagined how I would face a terminal diagnosis; I made plans for my children; and imagined my funeral service; kept good records for the executor of my estate. Oh and I had fun too. I bought things I wanted. Visited amazing places. And you would have never, ever, ever imagined this was my worry. But always, always, cancer was my constant companion.
I guess the bottom line is this: I worried and it happened. Worry didn't change the outcome. Luckily for me, C2 wasn't the cancer of my worries.
I'm pretty sure with my family history, C3 isn't out of the question. But the way life is, a thousand shoes may drop and the unexpected will rock my world - my left field theory of life.
So I've decided to give up the worry. And Be Happy. I hope you'll join me.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Three Days
Yes, we signed up prior to the Big C2 diagnosis. I was kind of on the fence about this event after I learned of my diagnosis, because I didn't know what kind of physical shape I was going to be in after ALL THAT. Through weird 6 degrees of separation, a member of our team's wife was going through C1 with the same dream team of doctors as me, and I took that as a sign to JUST DO IT! So as soon as I could get off the recovery couch, I started training with my team. We were blessed with a coach from my old employer, BNSF, and I felt ready.
What an experience.
The opening ceremonies were a tribute to the people we lost to breast cancer. Amidst the shivering in the cold that day, I had tears streaming down my face but also a fire and determination to finish STRONG in honor of our fallen soldiers... in particular, my sister Lauri who lost the fight to breast cancer and my mom, Jeanne, who lost the fight to Ovarian cancer. When it got tough to push through, I was reminded that NOTHING out on that course was as bad as chemotherapy or the pain of losing someone you loved.
The three days were magical. I finished and finished strong with my team members. Luckily we had some "new material" on our team and made some fast friends for life. I think Kathy and I have worn out our life histories with each other so much so that every now and then we will be SHOCKED by a piece of information about the other that we didn't know about. I wish I had a $ for every mile we've walked together!
I finished with no injuries, no blisters, no soreness. Just a stronger resolve to fight this fight. All along the race course people cheered us on and thanked us for walking. In fact, coming back to reality was tough. I'm embarrassed to say that I asked my training class for a few high fives the next week - I was missing the love!! Probably one of my favorite images on the race course was this one because this is why we do these crazy things:
The event was a class act, but NO we didn't sleep in the tents. We opted for camp Crowne Plaza instead (thankfully - I needed a hot shower and soft bed to place my heavy with expander chest into). Collectively we raised over $7.1 million with this one event - 2600 walkers, 450 crew members and thousands of supporters. I was proud to be a part of it.
And to my team....1, 2, 3 BOOBIES!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! Pictured here is Kathy, Teresa, Me, Dove, Jim, Renee and Allison. The seven of us walked into camp each day together, arm in arm, singing "we're off to see the Wizard." (Thanks Komen buddy Mark for catching this on film - he kept facebooking me - "where are you?" and we were right under his lens!)
To all my Komen supporters out there along the course - The Cheryl angels, Luke's Locker, Komen Dallas Staff and make the cancer walk a whole lot easier!! For those of us who have survived a breast cancer diagnosis, you cannot imagine the love and energy that was felt on the 3 day walk. It will carry me for a long time to come.
Happy 11/11/11...hope you are feeling angels today.
PS...our team was interviewed by Channel 8 - you can check it out here:
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Calling All Angels...
It was no surprise Angel Mom traveled with us. Day 1 we got into our Chicago B&B late. I turned on the light switch and right above it was this piece of art - it's a silk chinese print in a bamboo frame. We had this SAME print in our home in Taiwan. Does anyone in our family still have this? The proprietor acquired this piece at a church bazaar in the late 70s. My mom probably got this one in the same time period during one of her travels through the orient when we lived there. Funny, most of the art in the B&B was religious in nature or Greta Garbo - NOT oriental.
We had a great time at the wedding with the generations, including our old soul but youngest cousin. Thanks for being SWAIN GIRLS with us. A cancer silver lining: always finding the joy in every occasion. Meeting other fun people who are no longer strangers. Hey you guys - if you are reading this YOU ARE FUN!!! Thanks for the shared laughter.
However, Mom wasn't done traveling with us. We ate at a Thai Restaurant the night before we left. This art work was hanging in the Thai restaurant:
One just like this hung in our home...a treasure from one of my mom's trips to Bangkok. I now have it at my house!!
It seems like my mom always shows herself through art or music. My sister Lauri through the numbers 111 (I really meant to write this yesterday on 11/1/11 but the day got away from me...again). My Aunt saw 111 in several instances on her travels to the wedding. Lauri must have been traveling with them. Mom was with us.
I was on Pandora looking for Jane Siberry's version of "Calling All Angels" to listen to while I wrote this post. It's not on their play list, so instead Sinead O'Connor's I'm Here to Mother You played. It was appropriate. Listen and enjoy...I think my mom is still here to mother me.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
You Matter More Than You Will Ever Know....
I had a busy day all mapped out today but it seemed the Universe had a different idea and I decided to follow. All around me were strong feelings of presence by my mom and my sister. Then my niece texted that she was having trouble starting her car and it took an hour and then she looked up and the car that was helping her was registered in 11/11 - it started. Her mom, my sister, believed that when the numbers 111 were present it meant an angel was watching...and she used to see those numbers on cars. A LOT.
Sometimes I feel that they are both saying LOOK! WE ARE HERE! And today it made me sad because for all the cancer advocacy I do, and my desire to make a difference, what I really want to shout to the world is "MY MOM MATTERED. MY SISTER MATTERED." And I want them here to laugh with and hang out with, rather than mourn. Both met such untimely young cancer deaths. My mom was 62. Two months before her ovarian cancer diagnosis, she beat every single one of us at tennis. She didn't get to experience full retirement or the joy of becoming a great-grandmother.
My sister was 43. She still had a 12 year old daughter at home and had two young daughters on the edge of becoming phenomenal women. She didn't get to see her daughter bloom into a beautiful teenager driving for the first time; the joy of a child's wedding or the birth of her first grandchild; or her entrepreneurial daughter make it big in the world (can I say it?...she is DJing a party featuring a very famous HOT actor tonight!).
So I hope when you see me on TV talking about early detection, or you read my blog, or you admire my strength in adversity - I want you to know that I got it from a wonderful role model and person - my Mom, Jeanne Swain - and from the inspiration of my sister Lauri Swain Campbell, my fellow breast cancer warrior. I want you to know that I do it to honor their memories and to make their lives count. I really believe they are with me and hope that by making a difference, I am making them proud.
Interestingly as I am writing this, niece #2 just called to share a story of a young friend, age 32, just diagnosed with breast cancer and she wants to help. HELLO LAURI - you are working hard today at getting all of us to see you. WE DO.
Sometimes the silver linings of cancer are tear stained...lives lost are tragic and sad; but lives that inspire others to make a difference turn that sadness into a brilliant burst of graceful giving. My wish is that every one of you reading this will inspire or be inspired by someone else to make a difference.
“The world is not interested in what we do for a living. What they are interested in is what we have to offer freely - hope, strength, love and the power to make a difference! ” Sasha Azevedo (with thanks to Robin Rice for that quote today - yes Mom, I am listening).
Friday, October 14, 2011
Sick and Tired of PINK?
Pink isn't just a color - it's a symbol and a visual reminder to talk about the previously unspeakable topics of "cancer" and "breasts" in the same sentence. Did you know that when Nancy Brinker held her first race for the cure, 29 years ago in Dallas, TX (SHOUT OUT) the Dallas Morning News covered the event but could not write the word breast in print. 29 years ago - that is in most of our lifetimes. She writes in her book "Promise Me" about asking companies for their support of the cause and being turned down because they didn't want to be associated with cancer.
Where would we be if one woman's promise to a sister didn't send her on a crusade to pink the world so somebody, anybody would take notice of this disease? Let's face it, women's health hasn't always been at the forefront of medical breakthroughs.
So all this's a big, bold statement of how far we have come! Big burly football men are even sporting it, which is causing little boys to start wearing it and most of all, PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT IT. It's only when we talk and share that action happens...and we're not there yet but I have to believe we are on the edge of figuring this cancer thing out. And if the advances are made in breast cancer or prostate cancer or ovarian cancer or lung cancer or leukemia...I have to believe it will unlock the mystery and help everyone.
I hope that all this pink makes every woman, man and child going through this experience know they are not alone. ...and that one day, we will figure this thing out and say "remember when people got breast cancer."
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
I especially love the scene when he wants to talk about dying but no one will let him - assuring him he will "be ok." A complete melt down. It reminded me of my own blog on said subject.
Is anyone else following "The Big C" on Showtime? This is another great, great TV series that captures what it's like to go through a Cancer diagnosis. The season closer was a shocker with a great message. Ah, it seems cancer has come fully out of the closet. We can laugh about it. And people live!
Back to my own Big has turned mainly back to normal. I am training for the Komen 3 day in November and completed a 15 mile walk Saturday. It was tiring but I felt good. Don't worry my worrying relatives, I'm not pushing myself too hard. We did three five mile hikes with plenty of rest, water and nutrition. It feels so good to be physically active and I thank my parents for instilling a life long love of physical activity. Endorphins don't flow in me unless I am outside and physical!
Once again in life, I bought my first bra. I don't really think I need one for its intended purpose but there are certain clothes needing something underneath. Just saying. God Bless the salespeople at Nordstrom - you can just tell them what you are looking for and why. They don't give you sad eyes or act like it's anything out of the normal...they just direct you to 2-3 and don't let you leave until you find one that works. And for the first time in my life, I'm a B!!! And I love that. I've been able to go down a shirt size on top and many bra sizes. I know I know. We always want what we don't have right and possibly TMI.
This experience reminded me of getting my first bra. Dang, I didn't want that thing. I was a Tom boy who loved running, biking, playing softball and tackle football with the boys in the neighborhood. I didn't want anything that made me different than my friend boys. And then bicycling down the road, Kathy V lifted up her top and showed me that she had one and it wasn't too bad. After this show and tell, we decided to rub poison ivy on our faces so that we didn't have to go to school the next day. It was a 100/0 proposition of turning out badly.
When you think of it, most days are 50/50. The silver lining of cancer is making sure you use your days wisely.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Down on Main Street...
(SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION: WE STILL HAVE VERY COOL T-SHIRTS FOR SALE: $25 - just email me for more details but they look like this. Props to our amazing team member Lori who pulls out a great shirt every year.)
(OH AND THE BEST PART: The back of the shirt! The image is actually a little smaller and located in the corner. Very cool. LOOK! ONLY $25 SOFT ALTERNATIVE APPAREL TRUE TO SIZE T. SIZES: 2XS, XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL - while they last!):
My co-captain Glenna started off as the sister of a long time friend that I played soccer with. When she received the C news a couple of years back (I'm sure it feels like a distant memory), I was her mentor and shared my Dr. boyfriend with her. This year, she mentored me back. During this event, a friend I went to high school with in Taipei, Taiwan stopped by (I know that was like 30 something years ago - can you believe we ended up living in the same metroplex!). As it turned out, Glenna used to work with him! I mean, how does this happen? All throughout the night, friends of friends turned out to be friends of friends that didn't know it. In this great big world, it makes you stop and wonder about the people who come into your life; the path you take; the paths you cross and how we are part of the great big fabric of the world.
I feel so incredibly lucky to share the planet with these amazing people.
"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it... All things are bound together. All things connect."
~ Chief Seattle
Friday, September 23, 2011
Letter to Liliana
As you grow up, you will come to know that on our side of the family, we have the hereditary BRACA gene mutation. Hopefully this didn't pass on to you but there is a chance that it did. So what does this mean for you? It doesn't mean a life of fear, but means that you should be healthy: eat your vegetables, exercise, take care of yourself, go to the doctor and make sure you get your regular check ups. What does it mean for me? Fighting as hard as I can to see that you will grow up in a world that people will say, "Remember when people got breast cancer? Aren't you glad we figured out a way to cure that?" I think of you every time I do my part to end it forever or help people going through it.
Grandchildren are absolutely the best silver lining of life. I'm not so sure we'll find a cure in my lifetime, or your dad's lifetime, but I remain optimistic that you will know a world without breast cancer.
With love,
Grandma Terri
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Meet Hope
Monday, September 12, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The L Word
Anyone who has ever heard the C word, automatically jumps to the D word, because THE BIG C is a disease that takes people's lives - otherwise it would be the little C or we would just say cancer. Having lost a mom and sister way too young to cancer = I know. Many people don't even like saying the word cancer because it is too scary. How's your health seems so much nicer than how's your cancer going?
Back me up my survivor sisters and brothers...didn't a diagnosis of cancer cause you to face your mortality? Think about your children without a parent or your grandchildren without you? Make sure your life insurance policy was up to date? That you have a will or have it updated? And then there's the conversations you want to have...but nobody will. If you mention, "if I die...." you are instantly cut off with "you're not going to die. I don't want to talk about this." Here's a news flash - unless you've got some immortal super powers, we are all going to die. If we want to have a conversation about it, please let us. We'll fight to live, but we've got to have that base covered. Just in case.
So here are my D wishes for all of you who wouldn't let me talk about it (and here's hoping it's way in the future!) : no sad funeral - use some of my dwindling 401K savings for a party and remember the good times. Play good music - better yet hire a band. If the market comes back strong, maybe Dave Grohl or Adam Duritz will recognize my long time crushes and come play. Cremate me and then when any of you are going any place really cool, take a little bit of me with you. Then scatter me somewhere amazing. And laugh...don't cry. I have lived an amazing life. For my'll probably inherit some money - use it for experiences rather than things; cherish your own children and teach them well. Give back to the world and to others. Sister, go to Miraval - every year. Please friends, come rescue a piece of my funky art so that you will have something to remember me by (Pete, pick your favorites but please let them go to good homes).
I know I've dodged the C bullet twice (see last post). If there is anything that a potentially life saving disease teaches you - it is this. LIVE and LOVE FULLY. If you want to go to Italy, go. Don't wait until you retire. Figure out a way to do it. If you want to learn a new musical instrument, do it. Now. If you hate your job, quit. Find something better to do. If you're in a toxic relationship - get out of it. Rid yourself of negative people. Surround yourself with things and people you love. Let them know how much you love them. Cancer was a wake up call for me to L large - to help others, to travel, to enjoy my family and friends and BUY THE SHOES!
As we approach the anniversary of that horrific day in is a time to remember that life doesn't give us any guarantees. C1 for me was four months after this happened. Chemotherapy was brutal but thinking of people burning or jumping from fiery buildings put life in perspective.
Here's hoping you are enjoying your L as much as I am enjoying mine!!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The stars look very different today...
Dr. Blum has been my oncologist for 10 years now. We kind of have a love/lesser love kind of relationship. I believe that I am Major Tom and she is Ground Control. But she wants to be Major Tom...probably because of all those extra years in medical school. She spent a lot of time with me today and I will say I love her because she is VERY SMART. She is the director of the genetic breast cancer oncology stuff and she has been personally interested in me and my family history for quite some time. She said that my recent diagnosis was presented in their breast symposium and it had the attention of many in the department.
Sometimes she and I have lesser love because she has been SO ADAMANT that with my family history, I should have gotten rid of the girls a long time ago. Every visit was a push for the just-in-case-double-mastectomy. Every visit I would tell her no. She used all kinds of persuasion techniques: new breasts, less chance of recurrence, perky breasts, less chance of recurrence, family history, less chance of recurrence... I just wasn't ready to lop off body parts just in case. She would even say things like "Do you want to get breast cancer again?" And of course I would tell her yes, it's such a character building experience just so that I could be snarky Major Tom. So today our conversation went sort of like this:
Dr. B: I hate to be the one that says I told you so, but....I TOLD YOU SO. I don't know why you didn't get rid of your breasts years earlier and save yourself all this trouble.
Dr. B: You know you dodged a big bullet?
Dr. B: I was watching for your pathology results and I want you to know that I was doing the HAPPY DANCE when I found out your results (I guess she was in the NO NODE CHANTING TOO!). I was ecstatic. I was so happy for you. INSERT ACTUAL HUG HERE, (which is a really big deal because she's not really the warm and fuzzy type but she is REALLY SMART). I mean, no one wants to go through chemotherapy again, it's awful, that's why I wanted you to have them removed. I'm so glad you don't have to do chemotherapy.
ME (you notice I don't get a whole lot in here): and this from someone who's never had chemotherapy.
Dr. B: Well, I do go through it vicariously (note to Dr. Blum: it's NOT the same, but OK you do get to see the wreckage from chemo every day of your professional life).
Dr. B: Why did you take so long to have your surgery - you were diagnosed in April and had it in July?
ME: I was interviewing plastic surgeons. Again, Major Tom here....
Then we had a lot of talk about plastic surgeons and choosing doctors, and she said she felt special that I had picked her (I didn't have the heart to tell her I didn't interview oncologists - I love Dr. Grant and he made the referral). She concurred that Dr. McSmarty* was an amazing Plastic Surgeon and SMART TOO! Did I mention that we love our ground control to be smart?
Again, I feel so fortunate that I have been diligent about my health; have a great health care team and the resources to access them. Think I'll go float in my tin can.
In case you missed it, here is my two minutes of local fame.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Support the War in My Rack!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Pimping my C (again!)
Today's opportunities included the age old female dilemma: finding something to wear. Most of my clothing was purchased with the larger breasted woman in mind, so finding something that fit up top was a challenge. After trying about 6 different tops on, I found a pink one to work - ironically one I bought after C1 and held on to!! CRISIS AVERTED. Thank God I was having a good hair day and again was reminded that a bad hair day beats a no hair day any day.
I am really starting to feel like myself again. I have slept in my own bed for about a week! I have more range of motion - physical therapists are amazing people. I will see my doctor next week and hopefully he will tell me that my wounds are healed enough to start working out. Then my endorphins will come back to me....I have missed you. This grouchy girl needs a smile on her face.
The hometown hero story will be broadcast next week and I will find the clip and share (of course!).
After C1, my aunt made me an amazing quilt out of my old 'do rags and race t-shirts along with some pictures about my journey to OZ. Clarice loved the story that this quilt told (and I cried and was touched when my aunt gave it to me) and it will be prominently displayed in our TV piece, as well as the promo for the piece. I'm going to save that visual to share when the story comes out.
We shot the story at the Komen Dallas office and was reminded how awesome it is to be surrounded by such talented pink warriors. Thanks for the BLING C-Pain....over and out....I AM T.SWAIN
Thursday, August 25, 2011
No More Bad Hair Days, Finding a Silver Lining in a battle with Cancer

Monday, August 22, 2011
Small Victories
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
C- Rant
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Hey YOU, I'm talking to YOU!

Friday, August 5, 2011
Here we go again

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Fill 'er up...
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Pump it up!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Rock of Love...
Saturday, July 23, 2011
With a wave of the wand...
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Tears of Joy...Sighs of Relief...NO NODES!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the yellow brick road
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Happy would have been 48 Lauri
Bittersweet day. Home and feeling on the mend...better living through chemistry. Feeling lots of love and support...thank you! When I tell you it is these small gestures of support with big love I mean it. I would trade my Tiffany ring for it (but who would get it?).
Pete's UVA engineering degree is paying high dividends. He has already found a way to get me cleaned up. Omg it's the simple things in life that bring you the most joy, Clean at last! The drain thing is under control and this shirt is making things way easier. Pete has rigged the recliner so I have a remote..we are hunkered down at home. So much better than the hospital even though Baylor Spa is a great place.
I am in total love with my plastic surgeon. When I asked if he brought his "A" game he told me he didn't have a B game and it often drives people crazy. Not me..he was able to use my skin for the reconstruction without having to take my back muscle. Recovery will be easier. There are expanders stretching out my skin and I will go through a several week process to blow up the area and then the permanent perky implant is inserted. Nipples are tattooed on after the permanent implants go in so it seems my life Does have a tat in its future. Never say never.
My pathology report will not be back for a week so keep the no nodes chanting going. I think the universe is listening.
I must say I expected to feel some mourning for the girls. But I'm actually enjoying the smaller size. A little bruised and battered right now but I can see perky in my future. My only pain has been a tugging feeling on my right side, but I'm calling on my years of Pilates practice to help me move and breathe to avoid pain.Thanks Laura...can't wait to get back to it!
I woke up at 1:11 am remembering that today would have been my sister's 48th birthday - it doesn't seem possible that it's been over 4 years since she's been gone. She and I shared this disease for so many years, until she lost the fight. How many times I've wanted to ask her about her experience, get advice or just say F cancer. I miss you Laur and will keep fighting to end this disease or make it better for those less fortunate.
It's also my amazing cousin's wedding day today and I'm sad to miss it..she is a c survivor too. Pittsburgh: we are family! That's me with you dancing the night away! A toast to Ali and Carlos to make time for the important things in life and to always find the silver linings.
Here are mine:
Bendy straws
Hand held showers and camping chairs
Facebook-yes I fought it but it has helped me stay connected
Watermelon ...crisp and cool for a record breaking Texas heat wave