Is everything better the second time around? FInding the silver linings in a second diagnosis of breast cancer.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Pump it up!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Rock of Love...
Saturday, July 23, 2011
With a wave of the wand...
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Tears of Joy...Sighs of Relief...NO NODES!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the yellow brick road
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Happy would have been 48 Lauri
Bittersweet day. Home and feeling on the mend...better living through chemistry. Feeling lots of love and support...thank you! When I tell you it is these small gestures of support with big love I mean it. I would trade my Tiffany ring for it (but who would get it?).
Pete's UVA engineering degree is paying high dividends. He has already found a way to get me cleaned up. Omg it's the simple things in life that bring you the most joy, Clean at last! The drain thing is under control and this shirt is making things way easier. Pete has rigged the recliner so I have a remote..we are hunkered down at home. So much better than the hospital even though Baylor Spa is a great place.
I am in total love with my plastic surgeon. When I asked if he brought his "A" game he told me he didn't have a B game and it often drives people crazy. Not me..he was able to use my skin for the reconstruction without having to take my back muscle. Recovery will be easier. There are expanders stretching out my skin and I will go through a several week process to blow up the area and then the permanent perky implant is inserted. Nipples are tattooed on after the permanent implants go in so it seems my life Does have a tat in its future. Never say never.
My pathology report will not be back for a week so keep the no nodes chanting going. I think the universe is listening.
I must say I expected to feel some mourning for the girls. But I'm actually enjoying the smaller size. A little bruised and battered right now but I can see perky in my future. My only pain has been a tugging feeling on my right side, but I'm calling on my years of Pilates practice to help me move and breathe to avoid pain.Thanks Laura...can't wait to get back to it!
I woke up at 1:11 am remembering that today would have been my sister's 48th birthday - it doesn't seem possible that it's been over 4 years since she's been gone. She and I shared this disease for so many years, until she lost the fight. How many times I've wanted to ask her about her experience, get advice or just say F cancer. I miss you Laur and will keep fighting to end this disease or make it better for those less fortunate.
It's also my amazing cousin's wedding day today and I'm sad to miss it..she is a c survivor too. Pittsburgh: we are family! That's me with you dancing the night away! A toast to Ali and Carlos to make time for the important things in life and to always find the silver linings.
Here are mine:
Bendy straws
Hand held showers and camping chairs
Facebook-yes I fought it but it has helped me stay connected
Watermelon ...crisp and cool for a record breaking Texas heat wave
Friday, July 8, 2011
Home is where I want to be...
Home - is where I want to be
But I guess I'm already there
I come home she lifted up her wings
Guess that this must be the place
I can't tell one from the other
Did I find you, or you find me?
There was a time Before we were born
If someone asks, this where I'll be . . . where I'll be
-- Talking Heads
We are back.
It all went pretty quickly, once they decided we could. Got Terri's prescriptions filled at the hospital pharmacy, got loaded up with dressings and drain supplies, and hit the road. Hit a Schlotzkis for some less institutional food ("lotz better"?)
Terri survived all the moving around, but started getting some twinges in the right-side drain. More moving = more strain.
Best part of getting home - real showers.
I have enjoyed my guest stint on the blog, but I hand the reins back to Terri...
Maybe I will make an occasional guest appearance!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
From the "You Can't Make This Stuff Up" Dept...
By Pete, in the room.
Those that remember C1 as Terri now calls it will recall that somehow The Wizard of Oz was a perfect metaphor ("Haven't we Metaphor?") for the journey. Dorothy's plight and eventual return home just struck a chord.
Today, just before lunch (real food and everything - well... Hospital food...) The Price is Right came on. For those that don't have the benefit(?) of daytime TV, Drew Carey is now the host of the show. I also think he must have got his pal Wayne Brady the gig on Let's Make a Deal. Today, I glanced up and Drew was in full Cowardly Lion costume (add the large black frame glasses).
In fact, the whole show was in Oz Mode - from the product models dressed as Dorothy, Glinda, and The Tin Man, the announcer as The Scarecrow, and even the prizes. They had a packet of poppy seeds in one of the goofy price match games. They had an emerald bracelet. They had a trip to Ireland (the Emerald Isle, get it?). Green cars! A model dressed as a Flying Monkey flapping her wings on a motorcycle!
Definitely. Not. In. Kansas. Anymore.
Terri has made great strides today, including literal strides around the hall. She is off the IV completely - the Hydration, the Morph, and the Catheter (oh my)... She wasn't quite ready for the French toast this morning, but had a bit of turkey for lunch.
I helped change her dressings, and got my first drain cleaning lesson. I tell you, it sometimes helps to just get curious about how all this stuff works. I found that it didn't bother me much at all... I guess I do have the Noive.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
By Pete, in Terri's room.
After about two more hours in recovery, they released Terri to her room. I found it thru the maze three buildings over and waited an hour before they wheeled her in. Got to meet the nurses, at least tonight's shift. Got Terri all hooked up to the various tubes and wires.
She is still on oxygen for now, and fully set up with self-medicating morphine drip. Too bad you have to go thru the major surgery portion of the Baylor Spa package just to get the Bliss package...
She has been able to handle a few ice chips, but so far, even that makes her a bit nauseous. They added another splash to her mix to smooth that out. Of course, the food tray arrived just then with menu shown above. Minus the tea, which is really all she could've handled anyway...
The boys arrived a bit ago to check up on her, and offerred to go fetch some pizza... For us three.
Just as they got back, another spa option showed up - the respiratory therapist. Breathe in breathe out...
Waiting... Is over!
By Pete, in the waiting room.
Just saw Terri in the recovery area. She is still quite groggy. Said she felt like... Well. You can guess. The nurse in the recovery area said she will need to come out of it a bit more and have a bit less pain before they can move her to a room. So, more waiting. A couple more hours, maybe.
Dr. Carpenter came by earlier and said that he did NOT have to use skin/muscle from her back! This is good news, as it will speed her recovery and cause less problems later. If you have ever had muscle pain in your back (and who hasn't?), imagine tearing out a chunk...
The scorecard above is the status of each OR. Green is in progress, red is finished, blue is in recovery zone... I guess if size matters, Terri's bar was the longest all day! Her bar is the third of the blues together in the middle... OR 16. Note that it is actually the 15th line... Silly superstitions... No OR 13! Last night, we were on the 14th floor of the hotel (which is of course really the 13th floor). So take that, universe! Lucky 13 it is.
Speaking of spooky stuff - one notices these things with constant TV playing... In one of the waiting room TVs, there is a darkened area down the middle of the screen that looks like a breast in profile. A Ghost of Breastmas Past?
Waiting... Part 3
By Pete, sitting in the Waiting Room (or, waiting in the Sitting Room.)
Phase One complete, Dr. Grant said she's doing fine, no issues. They were not able to do any immediate dissection of the sentinel nodes, so no further info there until further analysis.
(Keep chanting, in other words...)
Dr. Carpenter takes it from here. Probably another 2-3 hours.
Waiting... Part 2
By Pete, guest blogging from the "It's a Grind" coffeeshop over at the DART station. Had to escape.
Since Terri wasn't allowed to eat or drink after midnight, we didn't stop for breakfast... So I am just getting breakfast now.
Standard doctor scenario, hurryupandwait. We got to the check-in right at 7:30, and then sat there for an hour. Terri was in great spirits, considering. Terri commented, "all the other people here look sick...". That she doesn't belong. I reminded her that early detection is wonderful thing...
Once in the post-waiting waiting room, Terri was visited by the various prep folks, Dr. Wong, the anesthesiologist, the OR nurse, etc. Terri put on the provided 'spa wear' -- guessing (wrongly) that Dr. Carpenter would want the drafty portion in front. With that corrected, Dr. Carpenter proceeded to sharpie lines all down her front and back. Dr. Carpenter said that he might not need the back muscle and skin, depending on how damaged by radiation the existing tissues were. He referred to the back tissue as "like going back to Lowes" when you need more stuff to finish a job. I can relate.
Terri was right, Dr. Carpenter does look like our nephew Tyler, tho grown up and with white hair. (Hey Tyler, I know you probably want to be a physicist or engineer - but consider this - plastic surgeons get to look at breasts. All day. Every day. Think about it.)
Dr. Grant came in, assured us that he was well rested after the 4th weekend, "on your A-game" as Terri put it. He did say that immediately post-surgery, all we would know is very preliminary results on the lymph nodes. Full analysis would not be available for both the nodes and the breast tissue for about a week. So, continue chanting "no nodes, no nodes"... But we won't know the real answer to that for a while, so hold the question for now.
The prep nurse did a great job getting the IV in, small favors... Next, to prepare for the complimentary Baylor Spa lower leg massage, they put compression stockings and inflatable sleeves on her calves. To complete the spa treatment, they finally brought the 'cocktail' - alas, Dr. Wong had to inject it into the IV. He also said he would have something for the 'hangover' later...
It was time. I gave her a kiss and a squeeze. Should have an update from Dr. Grant in a few hours.
Waiting... Part 1
This is Pete, starting the waiting process. We are at the Roberts surgery center, waiting to check in. I will update as we go...
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Pink is my favorite color